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Tattoo Removal Specialist

Associates in Family Medicine

Michelle Hamidi, MD

Family Medicine Physician & Aesthetic Specialist located in Clairemont, San Diego, CA

Tattoos date back more than 5,000 years, and tattoo regret is just as old. Until the last few decades, options to remove tattoos were very costly and not especially effective. Today, there’s a non-invasive way to remove your unwanted tattoo for good. Dr. Michelle Hamidi of Associates in Family Medicine in Clairemont, San Diego uses laser energy to remove tattoos from anywhere on your body. To learn more about laser tattoo removal, call or click to schedule an appointment with Dr. Hamidi today.

Tattoo Removal Q & A

How are tattoos removed?

Because tattoo ink is inserted beneath the top layer of your skin, tattoos are essentially permanent. Until the early 1990s, if you wanted to remove your tattoo, you had to endure painful treatments that often left behind noticeable scars.

Fortunately, safer and more effective tattoo removal is available today. Dr. Hamidi recommends laser tattoo removal for most men and women with unwanted tattoos.

Tattoo-removal lasers heat ink particles under your skin until they break apart. Your white blood cells absorb shattered ink particles and transport them to your liver, which then removes them from your body.

Today’s innovative lasers treat ink colors that used to be very difficult to remove. Laser tattoo removal requires fewer treatments and offers impressive results compared to other methods, like dermabrasion or surgery.

What does laser tattoo removal involve?

During your tattoo removal consultation, Dr. Hamidi reviews your medical history, including any medications you take. She then assesses your tattoo to determine the best removal treatment plan. She considers:

  • How long you’ve had the tattoo
  • How vivid the colors are
  • Your skin type
  • Where the tattoo is on your body
  • Pre-existing scarring

During the procedure, Dr. Hamidi numbs the treatment area with ice, topical creams, or a powerful chilling machine. Next, she applies the laser to the skin which heats and breaks up tattoo ink.

Most men and women describe the sensation as similar to getting a tattoo, but any discomfort usually last just a few seconds. You may have mild blistering, redness, or swelling.

What results can I expect from laser tattoo removal and how long will they last?

Laser tattoo removal results are permanent.

Because your tattoo artist injected several layers of ink, you’ll need more than one session to remove your tattoo. However, you’ll notice it’s less visible after each treatment.

To allow the skin time to heal fully, Dr. Hamidi schedules follow-up tattoo removal sessions every 6 to 8 weeks until the tattoo entirely disappears. That’s important to remember if you want your tattoo removed in time for a special occasion like a vacation or wedding.

If your tattoo is something you’d rather forget, consider laser tattoo removal for permanent results without scarring. Call or click to schedule an appointment to discuss tattoo removal with Dr. Hamidi today.